Sunday, June 22, 2014

Recovery and Kite...walking and Lots O' Pics

I worked Wednesday, Thursday and Friday night at the hospital. I worked out a couple of times, but mostly I decided to listen to my body. If it told me I needed sleep, then I went to bed and if I went for a run then I would just run until I started to feel some aches and pains again and then I would stop.

I've been living on a foam roller and stretching every day. I've been trying to cross train and focus on what feels right to me. Today I went swimming.

I know. That is a whole lot of sexy sexualness to take in all in one photo. I can't help it. I have dreams of becoming a triathlete one day. Triathlete-ism - you will be mine.

Here are the remnants of my injuries. Pretty, huh? I share so many pretty photos with you. It is what it is...
I don't usually blister and I wear slippy, mesh socks when I run and it isn't usually a problem. The type of socks you wear when you run REALLY make a difference. You can read more about it here. Maybe it was the downhill?

I have been running about 4 miles a day since Wednesday and continuing to weight train. This morning I worked my back and chest. Tomorrow is leg day....the first leg day since my race. I imagine it will be something like this
A long time ago (or a few years ago) I was hyper focused on my "plan". I had to run a certain amount of miles each day, lift on certain days, etc. Recently I've started to listen more to what my body has to say and I have been getting injured less and I have been happier. I plan on training like this for the next half marathon....hopefully it works.

Some yummies from the past few days (all greens)

At work....

This weekend.....

I ran at the gym this morning because sometimes that is my excuse for watching HGTV. I am NOT the only one who does this. Manfriend and I went swimming and then we drove to Lehi to see my dad and fly a kiteboarding kite.

A few years ago we went to Hawaii and spent a day in Maui kiteboarding. They make you wear helmets and you look super awesome. See.

We fell in love and manfriend has been practicing his skills as a kite-walker ever since so that he will have the kite flying part down the next time we go. Some people look at us like we are weird when we do this. It isn't weird. It's cool.
Tia just sat and watched
Oh and here are the two photos I meant to share of my brother and Moab....

My brother and his girlfriend, Sammi-pants

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