Sunday, January 27, 2013

A Blizzard and Starbucks

Whew, it has been a while. I continue to tell myself that I am going to keep this thing updated and then my 5,467 other interests and hobbies kick in and I forget....

I got up this morning, sat on the computer for a little while and then went to the gym. They were playing Indiana Jones in the "cardio cinema" so I watched Harrison Ford battle with the Ark of the Covenant while I cranked out 53 minutes of cardio on a elliptical and burned 667 calories. I didn't stop at 666 calories because it is Sunday.

I did biceps and triceps today and then I went into the aerobics room where two girls had decided to make it their very own workout gallery and they were blasting Whitney Houston from the speakers so I went and did my situps and stretches by the stairs instead.

This afternoon I went to visit a dear friend of mine who was once one of my patients. He told me that he had been transferred to a rehab center from the hospital last week so I drove into the city to see him and we talked for an hour about him and his family and everything in between.

I really love being a nurse. The people I have met have made every second worth it.

When I left the rehab facility, a blizzard had started. I was covered in snow in 0.1 seconds and I headed to my brother's house to see my favorite nephew and give him a frog hat that I found for him at the Outdoor Retail show and then decided to drive home because the snow wasn't stopping and the plows hadn't started....did I mention I have two bald tires?

One hour and a starbuck's coffee later I was home to my sweet manfriend. Sitting warm and cozy now. We talked at length about apple and his new ipod and determined that neither of us knew anything about loading music onto one of those gadgets.

Making my workout schedule for next week!

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