Monday, October 15, 2012

An update on Summer Stout....not the beer....the person

This summer has been crazy madness. I have been cooking on and off, but have failed to update you with any recipes....all 4 of you....that follow this blog.....


Manfriend continued to race all summer. He ended the summer ranking 2nd in state in the SuperD (super downhill). If I hadn't mentioned it before, Chrissy gets on gigantic mountain bikes and races them down the sides of mountains. This summer he earned a bunch of fabulous metals, some scars, a helmet, some VEGAN protein bars and a concussion. Yay! Good thing his ladyfriend is an awesome nurse. Yeah....

Pogo still pisses in his bed and sometimes on the carpet. He was bit by the neighbor, but it was most likely his fault seeing as how he likes to antagonize anyone bigger than him. He has yet to get a job to earn his keep and has been receiving daily lectures. 

I've continued to train 5-6 days a week. I saw a physical therapist about my old-lady-knees and I am back into a running program that still hurts sometimes, but hopefully that will get better.

I took some swimming lessons from a marathon swimmer and concluded that I am not a fish, nor will I ever be....but I still swim anyway.

I started biking...a bit....on a road bike and bought a mountain bike. Chrissy took me mountain biking this last Saturday. It was fun.....afterwards.....when I realized I was fine.

I am lifting more....not more often, just bigger weights. I have been focusing on not being able to do more than 6 to 8 reps per set and I have seen the rewards. Rad.

The Fall NPC was this past weekend and I have decided to compete again.....this means that the cooking will officially come to a halt in January since I get to eat the same things every day for 4 months! Jealous?

Also, I want to learn to play the Banjo. I do.

I started instagram....ming. I am not a hipster, but I know that they do weigh an instagram. 

Ok, that is all. I am not dead. I will try to enter some updates in this here bloggy. I do have some more favorite vegan/bodybuilding products to add to the mix, as well.

Here are some photos from the summa-time:

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